Saturday, May 20, 2017

Do's and dont's for JKPSC Civil Service (Judicial) Competitive Examination, 2017.

In continuation to this office notice dated: 17.05.2017, it is reiterated that the
Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (Judicial) Competitive Examination, 2017 shall be conducted from 25.05.2017 to 07.06.2017.
Time - 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM
The Admit Cards have already been uploaded on the website and candidates are advised to download the same from Commission’s website In case candidate is not able to download the same, he/she can obtain the same from PSC Office Jammu/ Srinagar. Detailed date sheet has already been issued and can be assessed on the
Commission’s website. The Examination shall be conducted at both the Jammu and Srinagar centres. However for the facility of candidates, the details, regarding the examination centre is given herein below:-

Srinagar Centre:
Sub Centre: 1. J&K PSC Examination Hall, Solina, Srinagar
2. Gandhi Memorial College, Shamaswari, Srinagar.

Jammu Centre:
Sub Centre: 1. J&K PSC Examination Hall, Bakshi Nagar Jammu
2. Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School, Rehari, Jammu
3. Govt. M.A.M College, University Road, Jammu.

Candidates are advised to adhere to the following instructions during the examination:-
1. Candidates shall carry Admit Card alongwith to secure admission to the examination hall. Always keep the Examination Admit Card with you and show it to the supervisory staff on duty as and when required/demanded.
2. Do not write anything related or un-related to Examination on your Admit Card.
3. Candidates should be seated in the examination hall 20 minutes before the
commencement of the examination.
4. Candidates should carefully read the instructions given on the back side of the title cover of the answer book as well as on the question paper.
5. The candidates should not argue with the invigilators/supervisors regarding the
question paper in the exam hall. Protesting or trying to boycott the exam or disturbing other candidates shall be treated as unfairmeans and such candidates are liable to be declared as failed in the exam and also liable to be debarred from future examinations.
6. The sheets left blank should be crossed (X) with Red ink by the candidate himself
before submitting the answer book to the concerned invigilator.
7. Candidates should record the roll number as well as the paper code correctly. The answer book of the candidates with wrong roll number/question number/paper code will not be evaluated.
8. Before the candidates write the answers, paper code, paper title, roll number should be filled in answer book correctly and the corresponding oval should be darkened as per the instructions.
9. Do not write your Examination Roll Number/any identification mark at any other place other than the space provided on the title cover of the Answer Book.
10. Do not write any matter except your Examination Roll No. on your question paper.
11. Making appeals to/communicating with the evaluator in the answer book will
tantamount to use of unfair means.
12. No answer book or paper of any kind (except the question paper) is to be removed  from Examination Hall. No page is to be torn out/replaced in the answer book.
13. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before half the time is over.
14. The candidate should not talk with any examinee and should not disturb smooth
functioning of the Examination Centre during the examination.
15. The examinees should check their pockets, desks, geometric boxes etc. immediately after they occupy their seats. If any paper written or otherwise found, it should be handed over to the invigilator on duty.
16. Before writing on the answer book the candidates should see that they have been supplied correct question paper as per the date sheet and also the answer book supplied to them is not damaged on any account.
17. Candidate should number the answer according to the question number given in
question paper.
18. No blank pages be left in between answers to various questions.
19. A candidate who comes after 30 minutes of the commencement of the Examination shall not be permitted to take the examination.
20. Candidate shall use only Blue/Black ink pen or ball pen in the answer booklet. Use of any other ink/ ball pen (Except blue black) by the candidate in the Answer booklet shall be considered as use of unfair means.
21. Cellular phones, pagers, programmable calculators, stencils and articles of like nature shall not be allowed in the examination premises. (Simple Scientific battery operated calculators are, however, permissible in the examination hall)
22. Do not write anything inside the answer book before distribution of question paper.
23. Candidates are required to complete their answers within the given answer
book only.
Furthermore, concerned Invigilators deployed by the Supervisors for such duty
may ensure that the above instructions issued to the candidates are followed by the candidates strictly. Any laxity on the part of invigilation staff shall be viewed seriously.

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