Friday, May 12, 2017

Kashmir unrest: Hizbul commander Zakir Musa releases video threatening to behead Hurriyat leaders

Srinagar: In a major development in the history of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir, Hizbul Mujahideen commander Zakir Musa has released a video in which he warned the Hurriyat leaders not to term Kashmir's freedom struggle as a political movement and threatened that he will chop off their heads and display them at Lal Chowk in Srinagar if they prove to be the "thorns" in the way of the militants.

The video, the authenticity of which Firstpost could not independently vouch for, is doing rounds on the social networking sites and the WhatsApp groups has created a flutter in Kashmir. Opening his audio message with the statement that the joint Hurriyat leadership has termed the Kashmir’s struggle as a political movement, Musa, who is believed to have replaced Burhan Wani as a successor, has threatened the Hurriyat leaders of dire consequences.

"If Hurriyat has to run its politics it shouldn’t be a thorn in our way, otherwise we will chop off their heads. If you will be a thorn in our way, we will leave the infidels and kill you first. These have come to run politics. Our Kashmir’s war, particularly of the Mujahideen, is only to enforce Shariah. It is an Islamic struggle. The people need not be confused," he said in the video.

Musa said that since they are on the true path, the Hizbul Mujahideen expects that there will be some who will oppose them.

"It is my request to people that they should unite on the principles that Allah is supreme. We don’t have to unite with the hypocrites. Then they will tomorrow ask us to do idol worship and say it is also correct, do we have to unite on this? We have to recognise what is right. You know most of our scholars are corrupt or are afraid of talking and that is the reason we are forced to talk. We don’t want our people should face more miseries, you know how much sacrifices have we given and I want to tell the people that if they are on the truth they should come and spend one night with us I will also see how much steadfast they are," said the Hizbul Mujahideen commander.

"If you want to run the dirty politics, it should be done at home," the militant commander warned the Hurriyat leaders in no uncertain terms.

Making an appeal to the people that if the Islam is to be implemented then one should begin from himself.

"Try to get closer to Allah and hold the rope of Allah," Musa said.

Questioning the statement of Hurriyat that the Kashmir’s struggle was political, Musa said that they have been hearing since childhood that the relationship between people of Kashmir and Pakistan was of being Muslims.

"We have been hearing these slogans from childhood that Azadi Ka Matlab Kya La Ilah Ha Illallah (What is the meaning of Azadi, it is that Allah is one). Pakistan Se Rishta Kya La Ila hah Ilallah (Relationship with Pakistan is that Allah is one). If this is a political struggle then why have you people been using the mosque for politics. Then you should hold a protest on the roads if this is a political struggle. Why have you been using the pulpits of the mosques for a political struggle? If this a political struggle then why are they coming to the funeral of the Mujahids? I am not a scholar and there are people who ask me that I shouldn’t interfere in such matters. But those who should are afraid of death and that is the reason we are leading from the front. There are some people who have become the contractors of Islam. If they would have told people what is Islam then we wouldn’t have been forced to speak. There is a clear message from Allah in Quran against the hypocrites," Musa said.

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