Saturday, May 13, 2017

Rohtak gang-rape, murder - a rerun of Nirbhaya case

Such was the brutality meted out on this gang-rape victim in Haryana that even the demons would perhaps shudder to think such a crime.

The police were stunned to see the state of the victim's body, which was not just ridden with grave injury marks, but also bore signs of extreme torture.

An initial investigation showed that sharp-edged objects were inserted into her private parts while her head was smashed.

Police suspect that her attackers may have run over her with a vehicle in order to disfigure her so they could hide her identity.

A forensic team later confirmed that the victim was gang-raped and mutilated with sharp-edged weapons.

"The victim was tortured and her body was mutilated and tortured after the gang rape.

“She was killed after being raped involving at least seven people.

“Her skull was smashed in a way which indicates that she was run over by a vehicle in order to hide her identity," the forensic team said.

The probe also found drugs in viscera samples taken from her body.

The incident happens barely a week after the Supreme Court sent four convicts in the December 16, 2012 Nirbhaya gang-rape and murder case to the gallows.

According to police, the girl was abducted in Haryana's Rohtak when she was on her way to work on May 9.

She was then taken to a secluded place where she was gang-raped by seven people.

The attackers then mutilated her body which was found in an empty plot in Rohtak on May 11.

She lived with her parents in neighbouring Sonepat district of Haryana.

When she did not come back home, her parents lodged a missing complaint with the police.

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