Friday, June 23, 2017

“Attackers believed Dy SP was Kashmiri Pandit”

Srinagar: The death of Dy SP MA Pandit, who was stripped and stoned to death outside Jama Masjid in down town Srinagar early Friday morning, has raised many questions. It’s probably the first incident of cop lynched to death in the Jammu and Kashmir.
The relatives of the deceased allege the police officer was targeted by the attackers as they believed he was a Kashmiri Pandit since he was carrying identity card which had his name written as MA Pandit.
Pandit is the caste which many Kashmiri Muslim like Kashmir Pandits still use with their name.

“He had name Pandit written on his card. It’s the fault of police also,” said one of his relatives.
The wailing relatives have questioned the hardline separatists Sayeed Ali Shah Geelani. “ Where is Geelani now”?”said his another relative.
The sisters of the slain police officer have even questioned the Islam practiced by the attackers. They said how could some one be attacked and killed during this holy month
“Was he (Dy SP) an informer? What kind of prayers they had come to offer? Had they come to read this kind of Namaz only?” said his wailing sister.

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