Thursday, June 1, 2017

Pakistan's ISI behind Kabul blast which killed 90: Top Afghanistan official

Afghanistan has blamed Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the banned terror group - the Haqqani network - for Wednesday's deadly bomb blast in Kabul's diplomatic area which killed at least 90 people and injured 300 others.
Talking exclusively to media, Afghanistan Interior Ministry spokesperson Sediq Siddiqui said role of Pakistan's ISI has been established in Kabul explosion.
"We have nailed Pakistan's ISI role (in Kabul blast). Afghanistan expects Pakistan to crack down on Haqqani network. The attack will surely impact ties between the two (Afghanistan, Pakistan) countries," Siddiqui said.
He added that Kabul expects Islamabad to act against the  Haqqani network while expressing fears of more such attacks in the country.
India and Pakistan both are victims of Pakistan sponsored terror, Siddiqui added.
The Haqqani Network is an Afghan insurgent terror outfit based in Pakistan's Waziristan and has carried out many high-profile attacks on US forces, high ranking Afghan officials and foreigners in Afghanistan. The network has ties with Taliban and Al Qaeda and the US considers it a major threat to Afghanistan's stability.

Kabul's high-security diplomatic zone was rocked by a powerful blast on Wednesday morning. The explosion occurred near the German embassy at one of the entrances to Kabul's unofficial Green Zone.
While the sewage tanker carrying the bomb was stopped from entering the zone, it was unclear how such a large quantity of explosives could get through the ring of checkpoints set up around Kabul to protect the capital.
A huge crater ripped into the ground at the site of the blast and shattered windows in houses more than a kilometre away were testament to the power of the explosion, which was set off by a bomb concealed in the tanker.
In scale, it was one of the worst such attacks since the US-led campaign to oust the Taliban in 2001 but in kind, it was only the latest in a grim series that has killed thousands of civilians over the years.

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