Saturday, 17 August 2019
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
SPOs Recruitment in district police Doda
Applications as per enclosed proforma are invited from
the permanent residents of J&K State for their engagement as Special Police
Officer (SPOs) in J&K Police (District Doda) against the monthly honorarium
as admissible in terms of Policy for such engagements.
These SPOs are required to meet the emerging requirements
in the field of anti militancy operational duty only.
The educational qualification, age and physical standard
prescribed for the engagement as SPO are specified as under:-
Saturday, 20 July 2019
Jobs under National Mental Health Mission
National Mental Health Programme, Directorate of Health Services invites applications from the eligible candidates from various districts of Jammu division.
Last date of receipt of applications: 31st July, 2019 between 10.0 AM to 4.30 PM (on all wotking days)
Total vacancy: 30
JKSSB Recruitment notification 09 of 2019
JKSSB invites online apllications for the posts of Junior Engineer (Electrical) in PDD department in state cadre for jobs in J&K state.
Tuesday, 9 July 2019
JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for various posts in GMC Jammu & Srinagar
JKPSC invites online applications for jobs in J&K State possessing the prescribed academic/ professional qualifications and age for the posts of Lecturer in various disciplines in Government Medical College, Srinagar/Jammu, in Health & Medical Education Department as per the category-wise break-up tabulated below: -
JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for Assistant Professor (Lecturer).
JKPSC invites online applications for jobs in J&K State possessing the prescribed academic/ professional qualifications and age for the posts of Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in various disciplines in Government Medical College Baramulla, Anantnag, Kathua, Doda & Rajouri as per the category-wise break-up given below:
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Jobs in National Health Mission, J&K
JKNHM invites applications regarding walk-in-interview for jobs in J&K for Medical officers (MBBS), on
contractual basis, under National Health Mission, J&K, against the vacant posts in various Districts of the State as given under:
Monday, 17 June 2019
Jobs in district health Society Udhampur
As approved by the Chairman District Health Society (District Development Commissioner) Udhampur Applications are invited from eligible candidates of District Udhampur (Medical Jurisdiction) on behalf of District Health Society Udhampur for hiring of serv ices of below mentioned posts under NHM on prescribed Perfomia. Application should be addressed to Chief Medical Officer Udhampur (Vice- Chairman District Health Society).
Last date of application: 27-june-2019
Last date of application: 27-june-2019
Total vacancy: 23
Terms and conditions:
1. Must be resident of J&K State
2. Contract will be offered by the District Health Society. Udhampur and selected local candidates shall have to serve the institution where posted
3. The candidate selected against any post shall not be entitled/claim for his/her transfer/attachment,
4. Non performing candidate shall be liable for termination without issuance of any advance notice.
5. Initial contract will be for the period up to 31-03-2020, renewable for another period of One year based on Performance and continuation of the Scheme.
6. In case of female married candidates for the above said posts, the residential proof will be considered from In-Law- side.
7. The Contractual appointee shall not be entitled to any preferential claim for regular appointment under normal process of selection.
8. The Contractual appointee shall have to enter into an agreement with the District Health Society
9. No TA IDA will be admissible to the candidates coming for interview.
10. Application(s) can be rejected by the Recruitment Committee if found not falling in the required criteria.
11. Candidates who are already working under NHM need to apply after resignation from primary posts or apply through proper channel.
12. It is clarified that the candidates shall be allowed to appear in the interview subject to Verification of Documents and fulfilling of eligibility criteria as prescribed in the detailed advertisement. In case any deficiency/forgery in Genuineness in his/her documents found at any stage during verification of documents or known from any reliable source, his/her candidature/selection for engagement shall be disqualified / terminated.
13. In case, the numbers of applying candidates are more than five times of the total available seats, a screening test shall be conducted.
14. The lists of documents (self attested) to be attached with the Application Form are mentioned below.
a. Permanent Resident Certificate.
b. Matric Diploma
c. Class 10th and 12th Mark Sheet
d. Degree/ Diploma and Mark sheet of Technical Education.
e. Experience Certificate, as per advertisement notice, from an organization of repute with date and sign of issuing authority alongwith seal.
f. An affidavit on a Stamp Paper of Rs. 10 signed by Notary, wherein applicant will be specify that he /she belongs from the Particular Medical Block where the posts of FMPHWs and Jr Pharmacists advertised, accompanied by a certificate to the effect from concerned BMO as per PRC.
15. Local Criteria for Selection: The preference for Selection to the posts of FMPHWs in Sub Centre's mentioned in Sr. No 02 under National Health Mission in District Health Society Udhampur shall be given to the candidates from the same Village subject to their availability and merit If the candidates are not available within the village the candidates available within the Medical block shall be given preference. As regard, the post of Staff Nurse in PHC mentioned in Sr. No. 01, the post of Mobile Health Team (under RBSK) mentioned in Sr. 02. and Sr. No. 05. the post of NUHM mentioned in Sr. No.02. the candidates from within the Medical Block shall be considered. As regard, the posts of District Hospital Udhampur. DEIC Udhampur. the candidates from within the district shall be considered.
Interested candidates from the notified areas as mentioned above only should apply by sending their applications on the presenbed format given below. The duly filled in application form, one recent Passport size Photograph (attested), should reach in the Office of the Convener/Vice-Chairman District Health Society (Chief Medical Officer) Udhampur by or before 27-06-2019 up to 4 PM.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
JKPSC Recruitment for jobs in GMC
JKPSC invites online applications from the
permanent for jobs in J&K state possessing the prescribed
academic/ professional qualifications and age for the posts of Lecturer in
various disciplines in Government Medical College, Jammu/ Government Medical
College, Srinagar as per the category-wise break-up tabulated below: -
Friday, 26 April 2019
JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for Assistant Engineers (Electrical)
JKPSC invites online applications from the permanent residents for jobs in
J&K State possessing the prescribed academic/ professional qualifications
and age for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Power Development Department as per the category-wise break-up tabulated below:
Saturday, 13 April 2019
JKPSC Recruitment 2019 in Sheep and animal Husbandry department
JKPSC invites online applications from the permanent residents for jobs in J&K State, possessing the prescribed academic/ professional qualifications and age etc. for the posts of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in the below mentioned services in J&K Animal & Sheep Husbandry Department:
a) J&K Animal Husbandry (Gazzetted) Service
b) J&K Sheep Husbandry (Gazzetted) Service
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
JKPSC Recruitment for lecturer in GMCs of J&K
Applications through online mode are invited from the
permanent residents for jobs in J&K State possessing the prescribed
acadcmic/professional qualifications and age for the posts of Lecturer in
various disciplines Government Medical College, )ammu/Government Medical
College, Srinagar and Super Specialty Hospital, GMC, Srinagar as per the
category-wise break-up tabulated below: -
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Jobs in JK Police for women constable posts
Online applications are invited from permanent residents (Female Candidates only) for jobs in J&K State for the post of Constable( in two Women Battalions (one Battalion i.e 675 posts each in Jammu/ Kashmir Region) in accordance with reservation policy of Stale Government.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Jobs in J&K High Court for translators
High Court of J&K invites fresh online applications from the eligible permanent residents for participating in the selection process for jobs in J&K state for the post shown below :-
i) Date of commencement for submission of online
applications: 11-03-2019
ii) Last date for submission of online applications: 25th March, 2019
Walk-in-interview for coaches, trainers, instructors etc
Application on prescribed format are invitedfrom permanent residents of J&K State for temporary engagement as qualified Coaches/ Instructors/ Trainers/ Physiotherapists/ Sports-Attendants on honorarium basis in State Football Academy, J&K State Sports Council in the discipline of FOOTBALL.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Lecturer jobs in J&K on contractual basis
Applications on the
prescribed format are invited from the permanent residents for lecturer jobs in J&K having
post graduation in the relevant subject for engagement as Contractual Lecturers
purely on Academic Arrangement (2019) in Government Higher Secondary Schools of
various districts of Jammu Division (Winter Zone) on District basis as per
available vacancies mentioned below. The number of subject-wise
vacancies may be increase or decrease depending upon the transfer / promotions
and outcome of PSC selections / appointments.
Last date of receipt of application: 15th march, 2019.
Monday, 4 March 2019
Jobs in GMC Jammu
Applications are invited from PSC /Non PSC doctors who are
permanent residents for jobs in J&K state on the prescribed form, which can be had from the office of the undersigned on production of
Bank Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) only from the J&K Bank Limited pledged to the Principal, Govt. Medical College/ Hospitals Jammu, for the tenure posts of Registrars/ Demonstrators in the following disciplines of this college for a maximum period of three year as per SRO-25 of 2013 dated 28-01- 2013. This is without any prejudice to any writ petition lying pending before any Hon'ble Court of law:
Important Dates: The schedule for issue of forms and their receipt is as under:-
1. Sale of Application Form : 26-02-2019 to 01-03-2019
2. Last date of receipt of Application Form : 06-03-2019
Saturday, 2 March 2019
JKSSB Recruitment 08 of 2019
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for jobs in J&K for Divisional cadre posts shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned below:
JKSSB Recruitment 07 of 2019
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for jobs in J&K for participating in the selection
process for State cadre posts shown below against unique advertisement number:
Friday, 1 March 2019
Jobs in J&K Legislative Assembly Secretariat
J&K Legislative Assembly Secretariat invites applications on prescribed format from eligible candidates for jobs in J&K:
Important Dates:
• Date of commencement for submission of applications:
• Last Date for submission of applications: 22.03.2019
Jobs in J&K under National AYUSH Mission
Online applications arc invited from eligible candidates
for contractual hiring of services under National AYUSH Mission, J&K for
Important Dates:
• Date of commencement for submission of online application
forms = 01.03.2019
• Last date for submission of online application forms = 21.03.2019
Saturday, 2 February 2019
JKSSB Recruitment 2019 for GMC State Cadre
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for Divisional cadre posts for district Anantnag shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this notification who:
JKSSB Recruitment 2019 for GMC Rajouri Jammu
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for Divisional cadre posts for district Anantnag shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this notification who:
JKSSB Recruitment 2019 for GMC Kathua, Jammu
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for Divisional cadre posts for district Anantnag shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this notification who:
JKSSB Recruitment 2019 for GMC Doda, Jammu
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for Divisional cadre posts for district Anantnag shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this notification who:
Important Dates:
a) Date of Commencement for submission of online applications = 04-02-2019.
b) Last Date for submission of online applications = 27-02-2019.
JKSSB Recruitment 2019 for GMC Baramulla, Kashmir
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for Divisional cadre posts for district Anantnag shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this notification who:
Friday, 1 February 2019
JKSSB Recruitment 2019 for GMC Anantnag, Kashmir
JKSSB invites online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for Divisional cadre posts for district Anantnag shown against Unique Advertisement Numbers mentioned in the Annexure “A” to this notification who:
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Modi government announces 4 lakh railway jobs, 10 per cent quota applicable

NEW DELHI: The railways will employ over four lakh people by 2021, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal announced on Wednesday indicating that the recruitment under the 10 per cent quota for economically weaker sections would begin soon.
Sunday, 20 January 2019
Jobs in GMC, Jammu
• Jobs in GMC, Kathua
• Jobs in GMC, Doda
• Jobs in GMC, Rajouri
• Jobs in GMC, Doda
• Jobs in GMC, Kathua
• Jobs in GMC, Doda
• Jobs in GMC, Rajouri
• Jobs in GMC, Doda
• Jobs in GMC, Kathua
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Jobs in GMC, Srinagar
• Jobs in GMC, Anantnag
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for jobs in Srinagar as working faculty members in Medical Colleges and as Senior Consultants/ Consultants in the Department of Health, Jammu/ Kashmir for one time absorption by way of lateral entry as faculty members in Government Medical College Anantnag against the posts of Professors and Associate Professors as per the following eligibility conditions
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Government Approves 7th Pay Commission Recommendations For Teachers Of Technical Institutions
"The central government will also reimburse 50 per cent of total additional expenditure to be incurred by these institutes for the payment of arrears on account of 7th Central Pay Commission implementation," said Prakash Javadekar.

"The move will help technical institutions on attracting, retaining faculty of high academic standards."
Monday, 14 January 2019
Central University of Jammu Recruitment, 2019
Central University of Jammu invites online applications from the eligible candidates possessing prescribed qualifications and
age as indicated against each post read with Cadre Recruitment Rules of the
University available on the University website
Friday, 11 January 2019
J&K High Court Recruitment 2019
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for jobs in J&K High Court for participating in the selection process for the Divisional and District cadre, posts shown against Item code No mentioned in the notification.
Monday, 7 January 2019
Modi govt announces 10 per cent quota for economically backward in general category

Modi Cabinet approves 10 per cent reservation for economically backward among general categories. Govt may bring a Constitutional amendment to introduce the change.The move is being seen as a step to consolidate the upper castes.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Jobs in Indian Railways for various posts
Railway Recruitment Boards invite ONLINE applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology) [JE(IT)], Depot Material Superintendant (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA).
Jobs in JKBOSE for Junior Assistant
Online applications are invited from the permanent
residents for jobs in J&K State, for the posts of Junior Assistant lying vacant in
this organisation which shall be filled in terms of SRO-202 of 2015
dated:-30-06-2015.The application forms and detailed terms and conditions shall
be available on official website of JKBOSE from 05-01-2019.
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
7th Pay Commission: Confirmed, your salary hikes to be based on Aykroyd formula
The year 2018 for Central Government employees did not bring in much joy, especially on the 7th Pay Commission front.
The CG employees would be hoping against hope that the New Year 2019 would bring about some good news and their basic minimum salaries would be increased.