Thursday, August 6, 2020

History MCQs for upcoming JKSSB exams

This is a small MCQs of 10 questions from history. Try it and answer in the comments. Depending on the response from our readers, we will publish more posts. Give it a try and we will provide more exam relevant MCQs in future:

History MCQs for upcoming JKSSB exams

1)Who was the king that visited the Jammu in the 14th century? 
a) Lalitaditya 
b) Simha Deva 
c) Harna Deva 
d) Raja Jamboo

2) What is known as the history of Kashmir? 
a) History of Kashmir 
b) Rajtarangini 
c) Kashmir under the Sultans 
d) None of these

3) The kashmir was originally 
a) Pond 
b) lake 
c) Ocean 
d) plateau

4) who is there writer of Rajatarngini?
a) Kalhana 
b) Alberuni 
c) Hiuen – Tsang 
d) Marichi

5) Name the town established by Jamboolochan after his name
a) Jambu sehar 
b) Jambu 
c) Jamboo 
d) Jambu pura

6) The name given to Kashmir by ancient Greeks is
a) kashperia 
b) kashyapamar 
c) kashala 
d) kashtapa

7) The Chinese pilgrim Hiuen- Tsang who visited the valley around 631 AD called kashmir as
a) kashyapamar 
b) kahi – Milo 
c) kasperia 
d) None of these

8) The two schools of Hindu Science considered by historian Alberuni are
a) varanasi and Kashmir
b) Bnaras and Kashmir
C) kashi and Kashmir
d) Kashmir and Mathura

9) Kashmir is known as 
a) abode of snow 
b) abode of God 
c) abode of rishis 
d) abode of gurus

10) The rishi Kashyapa was the son of-
a) Brahma 
b) Marichi 
c) Gautam 
d) None of these

Your comments will not be visible now. It will be visible tomorrow when most of the readers have answered the questions. The correct answers will also be published tomorrow.

Correct Answers :
Ans. 1 D)  Raja Jamboolochan
Ans. 2 B) Rajtarangini
Ans.3 B) lake
Ans.4 A) kalhana
Ans.5 C) Jamboo
Ans. 6 A) kasperia
Ans. 7 B) Kahi – milo
Ans.8 A) varanasi and Kashmir
Ans. 9 C) Abode of rishis
Ans10. B) Marichi 

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  1. 1. (D)
    2. (B)
    3. (D)
    4. (C)
    5. (C)
    6. (B)
    7. (A)
    8. (C)
    9. (A)

  2. 1. (D)
    2. (B)
    3. (D)
    4. (C)
    5. (C)
    6. (B)
    7. (A)
    8. (C)
    9. (A)

  3. 1. (D)
    2. (B)
    3. (D)
    4. (C)
    5. (C)
    6. (B)
    7. (A)
    8. (C)
    9. (A)



