Wednesday, June 30, 2021

JKSSB exams Computer practice test 2

1. EULA in computing stands for 
(1) End-use license arrangement 2)Environmental use licensing agreement 
(3)Employee-use legal arrangement  
4) End-user License agreement

2. ISDN stands far 
(1) Integral Service Dynamic Network 
(2) International Subscriber Dlalup Network 
(3) International Service Dtgltal Network 
(4) Integrated Service Digital Network 

3. Proper removal of programs from computer memory requires its 
2) Removal 
3) Booting 
4) Debugging 

4. Which of the following refers to computer network availability to people within an organizationa? 
(2) CIS 
(4) Internet 

5._ means to browse or move from website to website randomly . 
(1) Moving 
(2) Looking 
3) Surfing 
(4) Hopping

6. What does GUI stand for? 
1. Graphical user input
2. Graphical user interface 
3. Graphical utility interface
4. Graphics user intelligence

7. _tags placed on animal's body can be used to record and track in a database all of the animal's movements.
2) PPS
3) GPS
4) POS

 8. __refers to the unauthorised copying and distribution of software. 
(1) Hacking 
2) Software Piracy 
(3) Software literacy 
(4) Cracking

9. __ technology enables you to carry a powerful navigational aid to websltes. 
(1) Convergence 
(2) Locator 
(3) Sampling Rate  
4) Global Positioning System (GPS)

10. Which of the following cables can transmit data at high speeds? 
(1) Flat cables 
(2) Coaxlal cable 
(3) Optic fibre cable  
(4) UTP cable

1. 4) End-user License agreement
2. 4) Integrated Service Digital Network
3. 1) Uninstallation
4. 3)Intranet 
5. 3) Surfing
6. 2) Graphical user interface 
7. 1) RFID
8. 2) Software Piracy 
9. 4) Global Positioning System (GPS)
10. 3) Optic fibre cable

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